Minorissues goes porn!
Remember the Big Word Project with that dude Paddy I met?
I just bought another word .. well word, I bought tripple x’s: xxx indeed.
That’s because TBWP just opened up and let you add words that officially don’t exist in the dictionary. A shameless commercial act, only to make more money. I love it and admire the genius of it !! :p
At $1 per letter I thought xxx would be great value for money
(Yes I know, this is a blunt purchase, but I do care a lot about my previous and real word: context)
This also means you can start buying names, company names and so on .. go for it!
[...] to Steven I read about The Big Word Project. A project from 2 students, Paddy & Lee, to sell words from [...]
I just bought API
Cheapo! You just as well could’ve bought applicationprogramminginterface