This note sticks

Steven | marketing, advertising & campaigns | Thursday, 18 September 2008 - 22:01

Following my previous sticky notes post, I found some interesting additional information about 3M’s involvement in, well, let’s call it grassroot projects.
Jaffe think they should be somewhere involved in the new EepyBird project: “anywhere on the continuum of tacit legal endorsement to backstage producers” :)

A found 2 interesting other cases.

The post-it car

Some guy decided to cover a Jaguar with Post-it’s, resulting in some very cool pics he posted to flickr.
3M found out and asked him if they could use it in an ad campaign (which is very cool). The creator was pleased but asked more information (and a budget) and 3M responded they wouldn’t pay more than it would cost to do it over again themselves (sic). And so they did, without further notice. Copying exactly the original set-up, using in their campaign, and basically faking it was the same car (CGC). Oh my! Read about it here.

Post-it building animations
Claudio pointed out in the comments this very cool commercial of MTN.

Sure, this is already a commercial, but even then I hope 3M did something with it (I just don’t know).

(See my original post for that very cool EepyBird video!)


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