Yesterday I was invited by the people of Boondoggle to dine together with them and some other bloggers. The occasion: they introduced us their new blog called b-side. They figured a decent celebration was needed to welcome their love child, and that’s what it was.
You can discover Boondoggle’s b-side on the known url: blog.boondoggle.eu
Since they paid me diner I have to say some nice things, but not too nice, they’re still competition
No just kidding, I promised to be objective, and I will be.
I think Boondoggle (or i-merge at the time) definitely set the standard for agency blogging here in Belgium. I can only acknowledge we at These Days suck at it, but hey we’re better at other things, no shame.
The blog started as a collection of links / articles / .. and so on. Tom thought it would be interested to centralize all knowledge, and share it! Turned out to be a killer idea, and I-wisdom (as the blog was called at the time) just kept on growing. Sure they reposted a lot, but in the end I guess it turned out to be the strenght of i-wisdom. A view to the world of marketing and communication so to say.
Boonbloggle was just a minor rebranding. New name, new layer of paint, but not much new.
B-side is more radical for sure. Fresh new layout and information architecture. It’s looking good, and has some gimmicks to spice things up. Viva Peter in Hawaii mood . It seems a lot more audio/visual as well. High expectations.
On the diner yesterday they showed us a list with the 10 most popular posts ever. With a short explanation. Quite fun, hope the list will be posted to the b-side as well.
So guys, enjoyed hanging out with you. I wish you the very best with blog v3 and I’m sure it will rock! Keep blogging! Cheers.
damn these guys have to much time
We kept is simple http://blog.nascom.be/ check it out