How to think digital & The social metropolis
While cleaning up my desktop I discovered some treasures I want to share with you. It’s 2 books, at least the pdf of it.
The first is called "How to think digital" and is written by Simon Silvester, Executive Planning Director at Y&R/Wunderman. The book is distributed by Wundermann.
It’s about how to incorporate digital execution and thinking in your advertising strategy. In my mind a pretty decent read. Download it here.
The second book is called The Social Metropolis and is written by GoViral’s CEO Jimmy Maymann. It’s a very nice book, you gotta love it!
It’s about how different groups of people on the internet are becoming really strong, and really important to involve correctly in you marketing strategies. Beautifully illustrated, great cases, catching quotes, …
If I’m correct they handed out this book at the Cannes advertising festival this year. I’d love to have a paper version of this book (I’d like to pay for it) so I mailed the guy almost instantly but unfortunately never got a response. This is kind of not good for a viral company imho, but hey I still love them and the book is great. Download here or see it on their website.
You can pay me big bucks and then you get my print copy
Seriously, just like you I have both copies lying around but didn’t get to reading them, did you?
No, but that’s the thing with an e-book/pdf in my mind. You know it’s worthfull, but you hardly ever take the time to go trough it. For starters: I don’t like reading on my screen. Second, you’re never reminded you have it .. Having it in print works, it’s laying around. And I’m not saying I’ve read “How to think Digital” cover to cover, but from time to time I see it, grab it, go trough it a little bit .. Long live paper!