FITC day 2
Still had to report from the second day of Flash in the Can Amsterdam. The report of the first day can be found here.
Highlight of the day was definitely Sakri’s session
No really, it was pretty good. He only rushed trough it a bit too fast, and was finished in 30 minutes. For me the timing was ok, but it’s kind of a bummer because he worked so hard on it. We’re still looking for other occasions where he can give this presentation, so if you now something let me know. Basically he wrote a framework for doing easy (yet cool) text effects in flash. He’s going to release it as soon as he finished off some stuff. You can read more about it at Sakri’s own blog.
Than the session that made most impression on me was the Mario Klingemann‘s one. He’s just a mathematician who happens to have an interest in flash. So this results in cool stuff. He started by dividing triangles until it became really arty. Then took the theory to the next phase and ending up with creating arty impressions based on pictures. Cool shit!
The rest of the sessions I attended were kind of inspirational.
Tools and Techniques at Nanika (by Andreas Muller) was interesting because it was actually about using flash and other techniques in a real world context. Like a fashion show, or a store. Lot’s of experiments and using flash in ways it hasn’t been used before.
Gmunk is doing cool stuff with 3D mostly and they showcased some projects. Although 3D isn’t really my thing it was pretty nice and inspiring.
And then there was the cool shit session where they showed off some stuff. Good formula: they had some speakers and a short amount of time, so they just had to keep themselves to the highlights, which worked out pretty good. I think such a session is something I want see on more conferences.
After the sessions we first had some Duvel with Keith Peters and some crazy Texan with a badass laptop the size of a desktop, and joined the Adobe VIP dinner later on. Thx Bert, great food!
Picture of Keith and Sakri having a Duvel, taken from Keith’s blog.
Here are some links you might wanna check out
- Demofone, an application to stream your phones display to a web page. Just tested it, works fine
- De Monsters. Were featured in the keynote. They’re building a project documentation tool and delivered some debugger for flash and flex.
- Flash lite fund. I shouldn’t be sharing this, because we’re going to enroll
But this fund might be an extra push to start developing flash lite applications. By Adobe and Nokia.
- Powerflasher. They promised a kick ass website coming up, so it better be good
– If you speak German you can follow their blog.
- Papervision blog. Get inspired by this framework that makes it possible to do 3D stuff in flash.
- Hi-res. Keep an eye on their work! Also enjoy these classics, brings back memories!
- Joshua Davis. Well, what can I say. He’s an artist using scripting. Fantastic work!
- Sakri’s blog. Just do it!
- Nanika, you’ll find lot’s of experiments here!
- Quasimondo, aka Mario Klingemann’s blog.
- Hobnox Audiotool (featured in the cool shit session) because it’s a fucking great audio tool that really shows what’s possible with flash. It’ll make all this expensive audio equipment superfluous.
I had fun! Hope to be there next year again!